Intro Blog

 Hello, my name is Kaitlyn Casella. I am in 10th grade and I am 15 years old. I enjoy cheerleading on my two all-star teams and playing tennis. I am a very active person and I love those two sports. I also like to cook and bake. Whenever I cook or bake I feel relaxed and calm. I can be very energetic and other times I am calm. I am excited to be in AICE Media Studies in person because you get a better experience than online. I didn't like online school last year because I am more of a hands on, in class type of student. I work hard and always try my best in whatever the task at hand is. I have never taken a class like AICE Media Studies before, so I am excited to see what this class is all about. I tend to do things that are out of my comfort zone and see what is out there. I decided to be open minded about AICE Media Studies and I believe I made a good choice. I've always been interested in filmmaking, but I never decided to further my education in it. I hope this class can allow me to bring out my inner self and open myself up to new options. I also hope this class will help me in the future and that I can use it in the future. I am a very shy and quiet student so the thought of being on camera and working with others who I may not know is frightening. Recently I have been branching out and seeing what being an extrovert is like. I am more into law and am studying that at school currently. However, I intend to work hard in this class and potentially have a career in it. 


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