Music Production Blog

I knew my partners wouldn’t be much help, so I took the initiative to be the decision maker. I also knew music would be my biggest problem, and I wanted an easy way out. Instead of having to go through the hassle of searching for the music we want, emailing the artists, and hoping to get a response in time seemed like too much. I didn’t want to put the success of this project in the hands of some artist who would probably not respond back in time. Instead, I decided to choose royalty free public domain music. It was somewhat of a hassle, but I made it through in the end. I had to analyze each scene and try to come up with an idea in my head of what I imagine the music to be. After endless amounts of searching for a proper website, I finally found “Big Eyes” by Rafael Krux will be playing towards the end of scene 2, all of scene three, and a little bit of scene four. It will be low, then high, and gets lower as it ends. Then “Lonely Mountain” as by Rafael Krux will enter in scene five. It will slowly get higher as the window part of scene five appears. Then scene six will have no music or sound. But towards the middle “Big Eyes” would reappear. The last scene, scene 8, “Creepy Hallow” by Alexander Nakarada will play. After I listened to all the music choices, and chose the ones I did, I looked them up on YouTube and bookmarked the pages. After that, I downloaded them to my computer so I can soon edit the times of them. Then, I transferred them onto my phone so I can edit on iMovie when the time comes. I consulted with my two partners and listened to their opinions of the songs. I considered their feelings and made multiple executive decisions about the music.  


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